For entries & uploaded videos: Our system automatically issues confirmation emails for purchases and entry information to the person’s email who created the entry. Check your spam folder if you did not receive.

If not there. Log in at and in your MY MEMBERSHIP area click on My NDS Entries tab.  Here you can review your entry bio information, contact details, etc. and make sure your video(s) play properly and make edits. Also, if you did not get confirmation emails, mentioned above, it can’t hurt to check your login email, in addition to entry contact email, for typos. In your MY MEMBERSHIP area click on EDIT tab.

Also you can always login at and in your MY MEMBERSHIP admin area click on the ORDERS tab to view/print receipts.

For mail in entries: person who entered will receive email with login information to review NDS entry details, video(s) and see order history as mentioned above.

NO WORRIES: Mike Morgera, our production manager and webmaster, reviews all entries to make sure no issues before the selection reviews/process begins. Rest assured, if there are any technical issues, questions, etc. you will be contacted via email or phone. So no worries!!