Now, embedding SHOOT content onto an any HTML web page or blog is as easy as copying our <iframe> code snippet, by clicking on one of the SHOOT NewsPage icons or
above all published posts and cutting and pasting the snippet into the desired location on your HTML web page. Primarily used to include resources from other domains, the <iframe>’s strength is that the embedded code is ‘live’ and immediately syncs with the parent document. Think of it this way, an <iframe> is an inline frame used inside a webpage to load another HTML document inside it.
Here’s an example: SHOOT iframe embed code for a live SHOOT SPW post abstract that is directly embedded into this page:
This code snippet renders abstract below: <iframe src=”″ class=”views-share-iframe” seamless=”seamless” style=”width:660px; height:200px; margin:0 auto; border:0;”></iframe>
In the above example, the iframe tag loads a SHOOT SPW abstract. It has other parameters defined as well, such as height, width, frameborder, etc. These parameters will be used by the script which loads SHOOT <iframe> embed code snippet.
Many other third party websites may provide users with an iframe embed code to insert certain elements on their websites. Most commonly web analytics service providers, social media websites, and video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo offer users embed code in <iframe> format.
Caution: Users are advised to be cautious when they are asked to embed iframe code into their website. You should only embed an iframe code into your website if it is from a reliable source, and you are certain about the identity of the website.